Datacentre Build – Progress Update 4
It has been sometime since we posted the last update to our datacentre build, the pace of progress onsite has been so swift that we have had very little time to push out updates. Over the next few weeks we hope to bring you back up to date with progress of what has been going onsite.
You might find that Frank has found his way into a few of the photographs of the progress on site, feel free to let us know if you spot him however there is no prizes this week but don’t worry we will be back with more #findfrank competitions soon!
What has been happening?
The CRAH (Computer Room Air Conditioners) have been delivered and positioned within the datahall area. As mentioned previously the cooling system we have opted for brings no external air into the facility and these units contain heat exchangers which are then connected back to our dry air coolers with glycol piped around a closed loop system. Each of these units is also fitted with a compressor which supplements the cooling of the system during warmer days.

The first AHU is shown in position on it’s pedestal stand, raised access flooring will be built upto the height of the unit base. The units are downflow meaning air is discharged under the raised floor and returned above. Also shown to the right side behind the unit is one of a number of air pressure vents installed to relieve the room of pressure should the fire suppresion system discharge.

Each AHU has it’s own pump supplying a flow of glycol between the air handling units and dry air coolers.
We have also taken delivery of a significant number of insulated “isoclad” modular panels. The main walls of the first datahall will be built using these composite panels which have great acoustic, thermal and fire rating properties aswell as being easy to wipe down and clean.

The first delivery of isoclad panels being offloaded and stored within the datahall.

In addition to the work going on inside the buildings we also have substansial civil works being undertaken. Prior to our occupation the site had been in use since the 1920s for both light and heavy industry, with the area once housing Standard Motor Company factories building fighter aircraft for the British miltary to use in the First World War. As a result of this many areas outside the buildings required attention and groundworkers onsite have started the process of installation of new ducts for dual HV electric supplies, diverse fibre ducting into the building, new drainage, security fencing/gates and laying new tarmac around the site.

The breakout of exsisting concrete around the site has started for installation of new drainage, 11kv HV electric supply and fibre/telecoms ducts

We currently have three JCB diggers onsite excavating exsisting concrete and installing new services. The previous occupiers of the building had installed a number of additional entraces to the sides/rear of the building which have been closed off and sealed and are awaiting installation of new cladding sheets.
What's next?
In the next build blog we will be expect to show you the erection of the modular wall panels that make up the datahall, installation of the pipework for both fire suppresion and VESDA systems within the datahall area and the start of the raised access floor construction.